An illustration of four mosquitoes looking at Earth with menace in their eyes

Since the beginning of time, mosquitoes and the diseases they carry have plagued the Earth.

We’ve overcome so many challenges—so why not this one?

A farmer rides a stressed ox as it drags an oddly shaped boulder. The ox has a thought bubble with a wheel inside of it.
Today, moving things is easier.

So why—after all these years—do mosquitoes still pose a threat?

A caravel ship perches precariously on a cliff with the sign "Edge of the Flat Earth"
Today, we know more about the world.

So why are we still vulnerable to mosquitoes and the diseases they carry?

A stressed colonial man writes on two scrolls with a feather quill in each hand. A mosquito buzzes above him.
Today, sharing knowledge is much easier.

So why are mosquitoes still a danger?

A sick man lays in bed, and a man wearing a plague doctor mask treats him with leaches. A mosquito buzzes above them.
Today, we know more about medicine.

So why should mosquitoes still be so dangerous to our health?

Yesterday's Threats, Today's Solutions logo
It’s time for yesterday’s threat to meet today’s solutions.

Tell us what you’re looking for. We’ll tell you how you can help.

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Learn how I can keep myself and my community safe from mosquitoes.

About Yesterday’s Threats, Today’s Solutions

Let’s Put an End to an Old Threat

Our goal is to protect you and yours from the serious threat mosquitoes and vector-borne diseases pose to your health and well-being.

Humans have come a long way to improve medicine, health, and protection of the environment, but to this day the threat of mosquitoes persists—

“Infectious diseases are now spreading geographically much faster than at any time in history.”

Margaret Chan, MD WHO Director-General

What Hasn’t Changed:

An Ancient Threat That Still Plagues Us

Life has evolved to adapt to many challenges over time, but mosquitoes and the deadly diseases and parasites they carry remain as real a threat to humans and the environment as ever. Across the U.S., vector-borne diseases and mosquito populations are spreading at an alarming rate.

A man in a trench coat, hat and plague doctor mask stands. A mosquito buzzes near his face.
What Has Changed:

Modern Solutions for Public Health

What has changed is our knowledge of and capacity to protect ourselves on individual and community levels. Today, we have personal protective practices each of us can and should employ. We also have teams of mosquito control professionals across the country who use their scientific and health expertise to monitor mosquito populations and apply treatment on a systemic level.

A mosquito control professional operates a drone in an open field
What Now:

Making Mosquitoes a Problem of the Past

With the threat of deadly disease on the rise, it is essential that we scale and implement mosquito control measures. It will take all of us to protect ourselves and the environment from mosquitoes and vector-borne diseases. Additional education and advocacy in support of mosquito control is necessary.


  • Share your knowledge clearly with communities you serve
  • Use the Expert Hub to exchange knowledge with your peers
  • Access Yesterday’s Threat, Today’s Solutions resources


  • Educate yourself—and share your knowledge with your community—about mosquitoes and the diseases they carry
  • Take personal, protective measures
  • Advocate for more resources for mosquito control professionals